Be Recognized

Celebrate Together

The Arizona Counseling Association believes in recognizing those who should be recognized. Whether it is advocating on behalf of patients, giving back to the profession, or shining as a student while advancing an education, consider nominating someone who should be celebrated! 

Advocacy Award

​This award is in recognition of the leadership and advocacy efforts that affected state policy priorities within the behavioral health profession in Arizona. This award is open to those within the counseling profession or a public advocate of the profession. 

​Submit a Nomination - CLICK HERE​

​Prior Recipients

​2019 - Yvonne Fortier
2020 - Kirk Bowden

President’s Award

​This award is in appreciation of the dedication to the behavioral health profession with the desire and commitment to the future growth of the Arizona Counseling Association through service and participation.

​Submit a Nomination - CLICK HERE​

​Prior Recipients

​2019 - Steven Farmer
2020 - Lisbeth Nathali Vega

​Graduate Student Award

This award is presented to a graduate student in counselor education whose dedication and academic work demonstrate excellence in the theory and practice of some significant area of counseling and exhibits outstanding scholarship. Students may submit nominations on their own behalf or have their work submitted by a colleague or professor.

​Submit a Nomination - CLICK HERE​

Prior Recipients

2020 - Aryn Sylvester

Student Poster Presentation Award

To submit a poster presentation, CLICK HERE

​Prior Recipients


First Place - Thomas Allen North, University of Arizona

Perception of Satisfaction and Well-being: An Exploration of On-Campus Housing

Although the thought and expectations of college may be exciting for some young adults, the changes that accompany this transition, from high school to a four-year degree college, can be stressful and have severe implications on an undergraduate’s mental health. College counseling centers are struggling to deal with the increasing demand for services and have shifted to preventative approaches that support well-being. One important avenue to support students’ mental health and well-being is housing and residential life.” With more and more college campuses and surrounding communities developing student-specific housing options, university housing departments are finding themselves needing to redevelop and even construct new housing options in order to create healthy and supportive learning environments. Despite having a large percentage of undergraduate students opting to live on-campus at some point during their college career and a recent push to increase mental health services on college campuses, there is limited research evaluating the relationship between student perceptions of on-campus housing and their mental health and well-being. The purpose of this presentation is to present original research on the relationship between perception of satisfaction of on-campus university housing and perceived well-being of undergraduate students at the University of Arizona


First Place - Cassandra Swenson, Northern Arizona University

3-2-1 Process: Experiential Grudge-Reduction and Forgiveness-Enhancement

Second Place - Hannah Jackson Robb, University of Arizona

Eating Disorders in Gender and Sexual Minorities: A Qualitative Exploration

Third Place - Caila Lipovsky, Loren Wallace, Shelbi Labat - Northern Arizona University

Creative Intervention for Trauma



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28150 N Alma School Rd, #103-503 | Scottsdale, Arizona 85262 | | 1-480-525-7415